Private: Blog

Our news & activities

Yesterday morning was a very exciting morning when we appeared on the radio, no less than on the BBC radio Berkshire! They were doing a segment on new things for 2017 and of course learning a foreign language was there at the top. The beginning of the year is a great time to get excited about learning new things, planning trips, meeting new people and also discovering the beauty of a foreign language like Spanish. It’s all about what lies beyond the words, it’s the cultural richness you can experience through film and music, through literature and through cuisine, language is a gateway into experiencing all of this first hand.

I have said it before and I will say it again, I love teaching Spanish because of its global application and cultural richness. At Spanish Learning Club we know that language happens outside the classroom, that’s why we support the students through different activities to immerse them in the Spanish world. We have a conversation club to practise what they learn in class, we have a film club to gain insights into the different cultures, we also organize events like salsa evenings and seasonal events throughout the year. We believe theory and practice go hand in hand. You need the classes as much as you need the free practice. Learning Spanish a is not a difficult task, it simply requires dedication, it is a very phonetic language and as an English speaker you will already know thousands of words that can be easily turned into Spanish, let us give you an example; many English words that end in ble will be the same in Spanish, for instance, terrible,horrible, inevitable, etc. English and Spanish share a lot of words in common from latin.

So why not give Spanish a go this 2017, and see what can be achieved by the end of the year?

Below I will leave a clip of the interview.

See you in the classroom!

Ángela Q