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Welcome to our concluding lesson on Spanish for holidays, today we will learn to ask how much something costs. And to ask for the total amount of the bill. We will use the vocabulary that we have already learned to ease this lesson.
When we ask for the price of something we find that there are two ways of doing this, one for singular and one for plural. So if we were to ask how much a black coffee is, we would say: ¿Cúanto cuesta el cortado? However, if we were to ask how much the sandwiches are, we would say: ¿Cúanto cúestan los bocadillos? Remember Spanish is a language were we constantly have to make sure everything agrees in terms of gender and number.

The answer to that will be made up of endless variations consisting of two elements, the euros and the cents. So if it costs €2.10, it would be:

Dos euros con diez céntimos two euros with ten cents (long version)
dos con diez (short version) two with ten (literal translation)

¿Cuánto cuesta el zumo de naranja? How much is the orange juice?

Uno con cincuenta one fifty

¿Cúanto cuestan los bocadillos de jamón? How much are the ham sandwiches?

Dos con cincuenta two fifty

Now that you have ordered your orange juice and your sandwich it’s time to pay. There are a few ways of asking how much the bill is, but we will only see one this lesson, so to ask how much it is. You can say ¿Cúanto es? Note, there is no plural version for this.
For example:

¿Cuánto es? cuatro euros zumo de naranja €1.50
bocadillo de jamón €2.50
Total: €4.00

Let’s practise:
Match the question to its corresponding answer.

This concludes this series, I hope you have found it useful, and you are enjoying your Spanish learning. More blogs to come on other topics.

Hasta pronto,
